5 ways to increase penis size

What does a small dick mean to a man? Often, insufficient penis size causes shyness and self-doubt. Men themselves believe that a big dick is the key to sexual attraction and the quality of sex. True, a question arises.

What type of penis can be considered normal?

First, consider measuring a penis in an erect position. The average penis is approximately 13-15 cm. By the way, there is a dependence of the size of the penis on the height of a man. In simple words, for tall and short guys, the norm will be different. It is approximately 8-10% of the height of a man.

Second, if your penis fits perfectly for both you and your partner, then you don't even have to think about any norms there. But if the size of your penis seems insufficient to you and this does not give you rest, then this can be corrected.

Methods of penis enlargement

It is worth saying that today you can find many methods of penis enlargement. Of course, not all of them will be equally effective. Do not forget the physiological characteristics of each person: the same remedy can work differently on different people. So what can you do to increase penis size?

To hang a load

This method is considered one of the oldest. It is still used today in 3rd world countries.

The principle of this method is very simple. A load is hung on a member several hours a day. After a while, the penis grows in size. To be sure, growth occurs exclusively in length, but not in width.


penis extender

This device is actually a further development of the previous method of penis enlargement. How does it work?

The extender is attached to the penis in such a way that it stretches it.

It has a resizing mechanism. Change this parameter - make the penis grow. Normally, you should increase the size of the extender by about 0. 75 cm per month. In this case, you will not feel excessive discomfort. Although getting ready you will have to get used to the extender first.

A pronounced result can be achieved after 6-8 months of regular teaching. The average increase in length is 2-4 cm, width - 1-2 cm. Experts say that the result achieved will remain forever.

Tablets and ointments

This method is probably the most simple and effortless. However, it is also effective.

Modern drugs have reached such a level that it can even increase the size of the penis. True, before buying a particular product, you should familiarize yourself with its composition and reviews of people who have already used it.

vacuum pump

Vacuum pump for penis enlargement

If you've seen the Austin Powers movie, you know what it is.

This device consists of a flask that is placed on the penis and a bulb, with the help of which air is pumped out of the flask. As a result of this, a vacuum is created, and due to it, blood begins to flow to the penis and it increases in size. And both in length and width.

You cannot do more than 15 minutes a day for 5 minutes per day. session. A significant increase in length with a pump cannot be achieved. A study found that within six months of daily 20-minute sessions, the increase is only 3mm.

With daily training of half an hour, you can increase the size of the penis by about 2 cm and improve the erection. The result of using the pump will remain forever.


This method can be attributed to the most radical. It should only be resorted to in the most extreme cases when other methods have proven ineffective.

You must understand that the operation is a rather risky way. You must be sure of the doctor's qualifications. But even this does not always guarantee the absence of problems. For example, after surgery, along with penis enlargement, there may be a problem with erection.

To be successful in this life. Confidence is needed. If you are deprived of it due to the insufficient size of your penis, then today you can find a way out of this situation. We hope you found it in this article.